The acid reflux diet is not as effective when there is mercury toxicity from silver fillings

Although a nutrient-dense diet for acid reflux is an important step in healing and developing optimal health, removing amalgam fillings (silver fillings) is extremely important as they are a major source of metal toxicity. heavy. What most people don’t realize is that most of the metal used for fillings is mercury – at least 54% mercury! Mercury is mixed with […]

How does the Lady-Comp fertility monitor work?

The most common question I hear from women considering buying a Lady-Comp is: “How does the Lady-Comp fertility monitor really work?” Lady-Comp is a natural, hormone-free method of birth control (or family planning when you’re ready to get pregnant) based on a safe, easy-to-use electronic device that notifies you when it’s safe or when to avoid intimacy (also known as […]

Christian Meditation: God’s Gift for Healthy Sleep

To sleep. Safe, peaceful, nutritious. Restoration, healing of mind and body. Insomnia. Restless mind, restless body, burning eyes and longing for peace, for comfort, for rest. The psalmist certainly knew what it was like to have trouble sleeping. His words hit home because we all know how he feels. I’m tired of my sighting. Every night I make my bed […]

Loneliness and the new mother

Does it surprise you to hear how many new mothers experience crippling loneliness? In fact, recent figures (published by Mumsnet and show that more than 90% of mothers admit to feeling lonely after the birth of their children. You could be forgiven for thinking that with so many of us choosing to have children later in life, it would […]

5 Tips to Solve Your Home Storage Headaches

With spring almost on the horizon, there’s no better time than the present to take action against clutter. It doesn’t have to be a major operation—sorting just one drawer can restore a sense of order—but once you start, you’ll want to keep going. So how do you order and where to start? Organization is key. Keep things that belong together […]

Domestic Violence: Warning Signs

It is incomprehensible to most people that the person they are dating or in love with could hurt them. Most of the time it is friends or family who initially see something. They could tell you that something is ‘not right’ in the relationship. It is estimated that more than 60% of relationships have some form of abuse. Reports from […]

Pirate costume ideas for female pirates

Turning into a female pirate is a great Halloween costume idea. Pirate costumes are originally for boys, but are cuter when worn by girls. The good thing here is that you can be a pirate wench or a captain. Both costumes can make you look sexy. How to become a pirate wench If you want to be a pirate wench, […]