Michael Phelps is recognized as the greatest Olympian to ever walk the earth. Phelps has collected 16 Olympic medals, eight magnificently at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. So many achievements at the age of 23 as a mother.

Without a doubt, Michael Phelps is made for swimming. His 14-foot size, 6-foot-7-inch arms reach, broad shoulders, and large chest muscles make him very hard to beat. He has relatively short legs for his height, which give him more power in the water. It has double-jointed knees and feet that can rotate 15 degrees more than the average person can. This allows you to fully straighten your body so that your feet resemble powerful flippers. Without a doubt, it is the closest thing to a “human dolphin”.

It’s not just these inherited perks that make Phelps the great swimmer that he is. Phelps is the hardest working swimmer, following an incredible diet and exercise program.

Michael Phelps training

Have you ever seen Michael Phelps training? Phelps exercises six hours a day, six days a week. Nothing of that. Phelps spends the entire day training regardless of whether the day is Christmas or his mother’s birthday, there are simply no excuses. His unquestionable work ethic, perseverance and dedication to sports and training have made Phelp’s the greatest swimmer of all time.

Phelps likes to combine his workouts in the pool with workouts in the gym.

In the pool …

Michael Phelps spends much of his time exercising in the pool. The pool part consists of swimming 80 km each week, which is equivalent to more than 13 km each training day. Your sample training looks like this:

End of practice:

500 abdominal exercises and static stretches

Michael Phelps loves to use various training tools to suit his swim workouts. This gives much needed variation to your workouts.

“I use a lot of Speedo training gear, like floatboards, tow buoys, training paddles and snorkels,” says Phelps. “I will also listen to music during some of my longer workouts with the waterproof headphones from H20 Audio.”

In the gym …

Phelps aims to minimize his time in the gym. He does not like wasting time. It focuses on functional training and training on dry land. Those are the most important components of Michael Phelps training.

“In preparation for Beijing, I started adding weightlifting to my work on dry land,” says Phelps. “Since then, we’ve expanded the number of weights I use, and I run more than ever. Push-ups and push-ups have also always been essential.”

To match his powerful swimming style, Phelps performs exercises such as the Diagonal Wood Chopper and the Straight Wood Chopper.

Michael Phelps offers tips on how to rest and recover.

The best way to benefit from your toughest workouts is to let your body fully recover before training hard again. “Sleep is also a big part of my recovery,” says Phelps. “It is very important that my body get enough rest to be ready for my next race or training session.”

Diet Michael Phelps

Phelps is capable of consuming more calories in a single day than many of us in an entire week. Consume over 10,000 calories consisting of different types of nutrients each training day. Try comparing this to an average person’s 2000 calorie per day diet. Eating that many calories is an exercise in itself and requires a lot of dedication and planning. But Phelps needs to consume so much because he burns up to 1000 calories every hour that nothing. You do the math.

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