So, you are pretty sure that you have a lot of knowledge about environmental consulting and now you are ready to accept clients. Since these people will most likely not make the first move to contact you, you will need to be more aggressive in contacting you, especially now that you are competing with thousands of consultants around the world. This is what you need to do:

1. Construction of lists. Capture the contact information of all those people who visit your website since they are more likely to be interested in the service you offer. In addition to using signup forms or squeeze pages, it would also help if you offer freebies to get more people to sign up. You can give away short e-books, e-courses, audio products, and product samples.

2. Cold calls. Learn phone etiquette and improve your telemarketing skills. Then call each individual on your email marketing list to secure an appointment. It’s important that you know how to handle phone conversations in such a way that you don’t upset your potential customers. Also, it’s crucial that you can communicate the real value of your offer, as this is the only way to keep your prospects interested throughout the call.

3. Email marketing. You can also get in touch with your potential customers through mass emails. Make sure your email content is compelling and interesting. It should contain all the information your prospects need to know about your environmental consulting services, and it should say a lot about your experience and credibility.

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