To get a better idea of ​​how the psyche works, we need to broaden our point of view to take on more perspectives than the one we hold as our own. In this way we can better decipher the different levels of functioning and possibility within us. We are potentially multi-faceted, multi-dimensional beings and everything we think and remember is a mix of fact and fiction… and apparently nothing is “real” anyway?!

Life is a paradox. I know that brick wall in front of me is not real. But I also know that I can’t drive my car against it and expect to somehow carry on unchanged. It is also said that we are all One, and although it seems that we are all connected, I know that I cannot nourish MY body through the raw foods YOU eat! I have to do that myself.

Consider for a moment how people are bought, especially when religion comes into play. Here another conundrum arises: we are still not unanimous as to whether the Universe is orchestrated through random events or a finely tuned Divine and Perfect Order…or perhaps it simply IS?! But religion is a great teacher, regardless of whether or not we were suffocated by it or deprived of it. Either way, we come to feel that there is a driving force that comes from within or through us, that some choose to ignore, some simply do not recognize, and others turn their existence into a life of spiritual searching to find the “why.” of everything. Either way, the contrast and comparison provide a beautiful point of learning and growth that melds chaos and order like a teacher that only appears if we choose to open the door and see what lies beyond. And the simple fact of knocking on that door, and being open to receive what we can find beyond it, opens us to the spiritual, but not necessarily religious, paradigm of our current age.

We are alive in unprecedented times where we have at our disposal all the teachings of all the lineages of all the cultures of our planet. We can make our own decisions and find what works for us based on where we are in our growth and development and we are free to change our minds, evolve our perspectives and develop our attitudes as we wish. And furthermore, not only does everything have some validity and fit into the web of life on some level somewhere, but our societies are more open-minded than ever, which is saying something?!

Hierarchy is apparently here to stay and is simply a fact of life as the nature of reality increases, not only in chaos and order, but also in complexity, and while many of us don’t like that and judge it as a negative, it is inescapable. and actually quite useful. Just as atoms lead to molecules that lead to cells – a cell cannot be a cell without its molecules and atoms, just as letters form words that form sentences that form paragraphs – a paragraph cannot be what it is without its counterparties who understand their integrity. So it seems that as we evolve and grow, so does our consciousness and growth, and that we’re on a sort of ascending bandwagon where randomness and chaos occur at different levels of the hierarchical order. In other words, as we evolve and move up through the process of evolution, things increase in complexity in nature until we adjust, when they seem to stabilize, and then we move up another rung through a little more chaos until order. appears in our understanding for a finite period once. again and to infinity.

So, if we are in an ascension process, doesn’t the law of gravity tell us that “what goes up must come down?” So how curious is it for us to consciously observe, and even participate in, how long we continue to ascend before we learn how to effectively bring that energy back down? Or maybe it’s a continuous process of going up, down the highest vibrational energy, and going back up even higher to go down an even higher level? Perhaps we will ascend and descend simultaneously until the Consciousness of all that is experiences eternal non-duality? There are different schools of thought on this and the jury is certainly not in my favor here yet either.

Our minds are inherently out of control. Or do we let them be controlled by religions and other people and institutions, or do we let them run riot and control us anyway?! Just try sitting still for two minutes and see how still you can hold your mind for a full 120 seconds. Unless you’re an experienced meditator, and even then, two minutes of concentration on nothing will be one of the most challenging things you’ll ever look to accomplish; and that is a mind controlling YOU. It has to be the other way around for ALL of us.

Essentially, the goal is to find a place in the mind of continued balanced peace and acceptance of what is, whatever it is. From there, we do our best to change what we can change and accept what we can’t change without getting too upset in the process. With awareness and acceptance, intelligence and diligent persistence, life unfolds perfectly. It’s just that sometimes perfection doesn’t feel as comfortable as we would like too.

So maybe anything we invent that helps us grow to another level is perfect; As long as we go through it and get over it, however, let’s take the experience for what it was: an opportunity for growth and development and a greater understanding to improve through later hindsight. It is very rare that something or someone is 100% wrong. There is always some validity in every perspective, but holding on to old thoughts, places, people, ways and things is something that prevents us from living in the Now and growing towards a more productive and happy future.

We need to be at peace in the life we ​​are living now, only if each of us is working on our own inner peace and spreading that inner light and love in everything we do, only then, while we are in this skin. encapsulated ego, we have a chance to achieve world peace.

Beliefs are just thoughts that we keep having. So if what you believe is constraining, holding you back, or limiting you in any way, then you need to change what you are thinking. It has become obvious now that we are an evolving species and that we are evolving whether we like it or not, believe it or not. So only when we become aware of our evolutionary growth, and therefore aware that we are Consciousness becoming aware of the evolution of our Being, can we consciously create the development of that. So it’s time to check what we think and see if you are creating a peaceful indoor environment or a non-peaceful indoor environment. And if it’s the latter, then it’s time to CHANGE IT NOW!

Regardless of what it is, it is time for the human species as a collective whole to spend more time quieting the mind and finding Inner Peace so that we can BE more peaceful and healthy and live more sustainably and consciously in these delicate times. It is up to us to reflect the Consciousness of our Planet in how we ARE what we DO and Do what we ARE.

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