Just about any meat cured with salt, fish sauce, and other spices is a typical Filipino favorite, so it’s not surprising that struck it is also often considered a gastronomic delight. satisfies the pinoy taste for tasty food, so it quickly became a popular snack since its debut here in the Philippines. When served with fried egg, fried rice, and pickled papaya strips, it seems too impossible to resist. Add a cup of hot coffee and you have the ideal Filipino breakfast in front of you. But besides being delicious, do you know more about it?

Here are 4 facts about struck:

  1. The Philippine tapa is actually not related to the Spanish tapa, which is meant to be eaten as a snack or appetizer. In Philippines, struck A very easy breakfast to prepare is known.
  2. The origins of tapa are unclear, although it is believed that Filipinos began marinating beef in soy sauce after Chinese traders introduced the seasoning to us. It is said that the word tapa could have a Sanskrit origin. It may have been derived from the Sanskrit word “tapas” meaning “heat”, which is a reference to how pre-Hispanic Filipinos dried meat under the heat of the sun to preserve it.
  3. In Philippines, it is believed that it was in the city of Marikina that the tapa first became popular. According to foodies and reports from Marikina locals, it was tapsi ni vivian, a small restaurant located in Barangay San Roque where Filipinos first experienced the pinoy beaten flavor. The store is established as the exclusive property of Mrs. Vivian del Rosario under the name Tapsi Ni Vivian in Bulaluhan. Since its operation in 1986, it has been successfully patronized by locals and has expanded from a turo-turo to a much fancier restaurant with several branches around the city and one in Metro Manila.
  4. struck It can be made with fish meat. Although it is often prepared with beef as well as lamb or venison, some tapas lovers prefer struck made from fish. Since fish meat is said to have more health benefits, other people have come up with a plan to use it as a substitute.

Now that the 4 facts about the lid are no longer a mystery, why not start eating a serving of the tasty Filipino favorite? We assure you that this meat tastes like no other.

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