The NOW prophecies, from the book of the same name by Bill Salus, deal with the most relevant information about prophecy in this current age. This is because they describe events that are likely to find fulfillment during the existence of this generation. It is important to understand all the unfulfilled prophecies, but the most valuable thing for any group, past, present or future, is the information that we provide specifically through the ancient Hebrew prophecies for the benefit of that generation.

Bill Salus believes, as I do, that the NOW prophecies are the ancient unfulfilled biblical predictions that appear to be imminent. What that specifically means is that it could happen NOW! These prophecies have minor or no preconditions that prevent them from happening.

NOW prophecies example

Noah was given a prophecy NOW about a coming worldwide flood. Joseph’s NOW prophecies deal with seven years of plenty that would be absorbed by seven years of famine in Egypt. The prophet Jeremiah warned of seventy years of desolation and the corresponding Jewish dispersion of Judah during those years.

In all these cases, it was the NOW prophecies that benefited the population the most. These timely predictions enabled the people of that time to prepare for the powerful events that directly affected them. Similarly, you need to know the predictions that affect you NOW!

What are the NOW prophecies?

The NOW prophecies include, but are not limited to, the following globally impacted events:

Disaster in Iran (Jeremiah 49: 34-39)

Destruction of Damascus Syria (Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49: 23-27)

Overthrow of the Jordan (Jeremiah 49: 1-6, Zephaniah 2: 8-10, Ezekiel 25:14)

Terror in Egypt (Isaiah 19: 1-18)

Final Arab-Israeli War (Psalm 83)

Decline of America (Ezekiel 38:13), (America is identified as the lions of Tarsis)

Expansion of Israel (Obadiah 1: 19-20, Jeremiah 49: 2, Zephaniah 2: 9, Isaiah 19:18)

Disappearance of Christians (1 Corinthians 15: 51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4: 15-18)

When will the NOW prophecies happen?

The NOW prophecies span the time period between the establishment of the modern Jewish state of Israel in 1948 and the fulfillment of the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39, the War of Gog and Magog.

Ezekiel 38 and 39

If the War of Gog and Magog is about to happen, then the NOW prophecies that precede them must find their fulfillment very soon! All current indications suggest that they should happen during this current generation, the one that has seen Israel re-create itself as a nation. Scripture says that the generation will not pass until it sees Israel return to the original Promised Land just before the Second Coming.

A global television audience will witness an unprecedented military victory by Israel in the Gog and Magog War, which is humanly inexplicable, over a powerful nine-member Russian-led coalition that includes Turkey and Iran. They will apparently band together to conquer Israel, but the God of Israel will miraculously defend the survival of the Jewish state.

This is believed to have occurred in the midst of the tribulation. It is not the battle of Armageddon, which occurs at the end of the tribulation.


The NOW prophecies are a serious look at what is happening in the last days that is directly ahead. Bill Salus’s book, The Now Prophecies, shows the way forward in the proper sequence so that no one gets confused. There is a phase one for the Third World War, the Arab-Israeli War, a phase two, the War of Gog and Magog and the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the tribulation. Prepare NOW for a great change in the world that is coming. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in what the Scriptures say will happen in the future. Bill Salus writes compellingly with attention to biblical detail with a focus on the Second Coming. I would recommend a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. Good reading.

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